Watch our panel of JDE experts as they discuss:

  • Release 22 of JDE — what’s new, and what do you need to know?
  • The why and what of process automation journeys — we demystify process automation (PA) and talk you through how a PA strategy linked to JDE can drive efficiency.
  • How to improve your customer engagement and collaboration
  • Making life easier with JDE Orchestration and Microsoft PowerApp – we share a customer story about the benefits they experienced by automating a key finance business process.
  • Making employee off- and on-boarding simple and secure — does your technical staff spend too much time fulfilling JDE access requests? Can you prove to your auditors that all access requests are appropriately approved? Let’s talk automation!
  • What’s next with your own Process Automation strategy? We know that many people have already started down this journey, but with the insights you've gained today into why it's worth doing, and what you can do, you might like to discuss the available options.
An illustration of a lady and a man shake hands in a business environment


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