What UPK can do, CloudU can do better

Effective learning requires more than just sharing knowledge or providing step-by-step guides to mastering tasks – it requires you to understand and monitor user progress and for them to have access to their training records so they can see where improvement is needed.

And CloudU does just that.

Offering self-paced and guided learning, each user can jump into a course on CloudU and complete the steps in sequence, as and when it suits them. They can return anytime to continue where they left off, start again, or jump to a specific spot. CloudU dashboards provide managers with the ability to run reports on which users have completed a training course or their progress to date. This can be extended to see when a course was last accessed and by whom. 

CloudU also offers you the ability to set up your own instance of the solution. For example, if John wants to offer ‘how to add a product to our online catalogue’ training specifically for trusted suppliers, he can set up and manage it within his instance of CloudU. And everything John’s training centre is private to invited members and secure.

But the even better news is that CloudU is capable of much, much more (just think SharePoint on steroids).

There's more to CloudU than meets the eye!

While eLearning is critical, so is having a centralised knowledge hub at your fingertips.

We all know that corporate knowledge and expertise are valuable business assets. Yet all too often, there’s nowhere to create, store, organise, share and retrieve information across your enterprise.

With CloudU, you can transform how you collect and leverage your valuable content and knowledge. As already mentioned, it’s a secure, scalable, and centralised knowledge hub that enables you to build and deliver individualised user training. But it also provides a searchable repository for all your content from reference materials to recorded meetings, images, and business documents (from branding to HR to business processes) and offers customisable workflows to move document approvals or users in training through their paces.   

Did we also mention that CloudU is also smart and cost-effective, and supports any platform?

Goodbye UPK!

Organise, manage, and share valuable internal knowledge across your organisation - and even build a private knowledge base for your clients.

Make the most of your people

Use workflows to drive talent development, performance, and engagement holistically, and turn talent management into talent acceleration!

Master those meetings and stored documents!

Never lose track. Transcribe, archive, organise, and search using keywords to quickly track down what you were looking for.

Share content from events and conferences

From training to conferences, increase the value of your live events by making your content available on demand - and boost customer engagement with instant language translation.

Why choose CloudU for your business?

Capture your business processes. CloudU enables you to build clear step-by-step guides to your business processes, so you’ll not only eliminate reinventing the wheel, but reduce known risks, and ensure uniformity of approach to any task you everyone is on the same page.

Gain a clever competitive advantage. CloudU lets you securely share any of your learning content with both your customers and suppliers so that you can provide a unique experience to upskill. You’ll improve operational efficiency and improved communications by delivering a consistent approach to ‘how things are done.’

Make better business decisions. With fingertip access to all your collective internal expertise through CloudU, you and your team have everything they need to make more informed decisions. There’s no need to dig through old irrelevant documents, pore through scribbled notes written in a training session, or ask teammates for help. It’s all in CloudU.

Promote a culture of learning. Promote coactive knowledge creation, ideation, and sharing. By making learning part of your business culture, you maximise the capabilities and professional potential of the people you employ. With CloudU’s simple ability to create new or update existing courses, whether with new content, images, documents, or videos, it’s easy for any individual to help achieve overall success – or for you to see where they are struggling and provide assistance.

Initiate innovation. When you know how processes work, it’s easier to identify opportunities for improvement. With business processes clearly captured in CloudU, you can workshop areas that will benefit from a more innovative approach.  

Foster resilience. With CloudU you can capture everything learned from previous experience and preserve it for future access and use. So next time there’s an issue, you can recycle and reuse – not reinvent! And it’s easy to copy and paste any existing content into a new or existing course.

Application agnostic: CloudU can be used with most applications and platforms including Microsoft, NetSuite, SAP, AWS/Azure/OCI cloud hosting, BlackLine, Workday Adaptive Planning, and more.

Why CloudU and Fusion5

Fusion5 is CloudU’s exclusive global partner. We have already introduced many happy customers to the platform offers over the last few years.

We’re always happy to talk through potential use cases and discuss the real-life benefits our customers have already realised using CloudU for in-house and external training. And more.

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