Introducing ERP

Thanks for launching your ERP discovery with Fusion5

Choosing to improve your business productivity and profitability by investing in an ERP, or any technology, is a big decision, requiring robust due diligence. 

To help you make the right decision for your business, over the next 8 weeks we’ll guide you through the world of ERP and highlight the benefits that businesses like yours are experiencing. 

We’ll also reveal the five best things about leading ERPs in Australia and New Zealand, and help you start the process of finding the best fit for you. 

Leave your details in our form to hear back from one of our ERP experts about finding an ERP with the right 'fit.

Are you ready to jump on the ERP train?

Fusion5 is a partner of choice for over 1,000 companies across Australia and New Zealand, so you'll be in good hands whenever and wherever you decide to start your digital transformation journey. 

Stay tuned! Next we’ll uncover three real-world benefits of ERP from Aussie and Kiwi businesses. 

Is ERP worth the cost?

You may already know that an ERP helps reduce costs, boosts productivity, and aids decision-making. But what does that look like in the real world? 

Here’s three case studies to give you insight into some of the tangible benefits an ERP can bring to your business.

ERP saved three days per month on reporting

Harcourts Cooper & Co’s - a franchise of Harcourts, accounting software was struggling with large datasets. By switching to an ERP, they saved three working days per month previously spent generating reports. With all their data in one place, they can quickly produce reports with just one click.

See how they did it.

ERP transformation drove 30% growth

Natural Pet Food Group were constrained by their accounting software only supporting a single inventory location; they had 13! So, they moved to an ERP that supports their multi-company, multi-country, and multi-currency needs. Since implementation, they’ve grown over 30% without adding more hours or people.

See how they did it.

Sailing success with cloud-based global expansion

Global high-end yachting apparel company, VMG relies on their international sales team to generate orders from afar. They successfully migrated from on-premises ERP to cloud-based giving them 24/7 remote access to their business system, and in doing so gained the flexibility to compete in a global market. 

See how they did it. 

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The five best things about NetSuite

If you’ve not heard of Oracle NetSuite, don’t worry – we’ve got you. We’ve partnered with Kiwi and Aussie businesses to implement NetSuite for nearly 20 years, so we’ve seen what it can do!

1. Comprehensive functionality 

NetSuite provides a wide range of features and functionalities, as you’d expect from any modern ERP. Everything from financial, inventory, and order management, and to some extent, even customer relationship management – NetSuite has the goods!

2. Cloud-based platform

You may be thinking, ‘so what – isn’t everything in the cloud now?’. Well, yes - and no. NetSuite’s unique cloud claim to fame is it was ‘born’ there. As opposed to other solutions which were adapted later for the cloud. The main benefit of being cloud-based means you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection, improved security, robust disaster-recovery, and streamlined update and improvement rollouts.

3. Scalability

Most people think this means ‘can grow with you as you get bigger’. But it also means it can flex with you if you need to tighten things up through a challenging period, and support you in adapting your business to adopt new revenue streams.

4. Customisation

No, not the expensive kind that then breaks every time an update needs to be rolled out! There are two layers to ‘customisation’ when it comes to NetSuite. Firstly, NetSuite has taken everything it’s learnt over the years from deployments in different industries, and pre-packaged industry specific instances of NetSuite, complete with leading practices, KPIs, workflows, reports, and dashboards so you can be up and running quickly. Secondly, despite being set up with some standardised elements on day one, NetSuite gives you huge flexibility to personalise all those elements to suit your needs. 

5. Support & Community

NetSuite provides excellent training resources, and there is a large and active user community globally. In addition, Fusion5 coordinates regular user group events across AU & NZ, to assist with managing updates, provide insights and tips on how to optimise your use of NetSuite, as well as network with other NetSuite users.

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The five best things about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

We'll discuss the 5 best things about Microsoft Dynamics Business Central (BC). Originally created as an upgrade path for Microsoft NAV (Navision), BC has become Microsoft's top ERP solution for small to medium-sized businesses.

It's often compared to NetSuite as a suitable choice for Kiwi and Aussie businesses and offers all the benefits of a modern ERP with the power of Microsoft behind it’.

1. Integration for days!

Not only does BC integrate all your critical business operations such as financial management, sales, purchasing, inventory, project management, and all their data, it can also easily integrate with many of your existing business applications, making it an easy addition to your technology stack. 

2. Flexibility 

Because every business is different, BC is designed to be flexible and customisable (but not niche customisation that breaks with every new upgrade!). Users can tailor their system to fit their personal needs relating to workflows, reports, and dashboards.

3. Cloud-based

Yes, you guessed it – BC can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. It also helps provide better security, enables robust disaster-recovery, and streamlined update and improvement rollouts.

4. Mobile accessibility

In addition to being cloud-based, it has been designed with ‘on the road’ users in mind. It comes with a user-friendly mobile interface that makes it easy for remote workers to respond quickly to customers and keep track of business while on the go.  

5. Support & Community

Through its strong global partner network, Microsoft provides excellent training resources, and support. In addition, Fusion5 co-ordinates regular events across AU & NZ, to assist with managing updates, provide insights and tips on how to optimise your use of BC, as well as network with other BC users. We are also a Microsoft Premiere Support partner, giving us expedited access to technical support, over and above standard support provided by Fusion5. 

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The five best things about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations

We'll discuss the five best things about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations!

Although the name of this ERP has changed multiple times over the years, all you really need to know is: if you’ve got a small to medium sized enterprise, or larger, Fusion5 can provide you with all the advice you could ever need to decide if Microsoft’s ‘large’ ERP offering is a good fit for you.

Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations is the evolved, web and cloud-based Microsoft ERP that replaces the primarily desktop-based application, Microsoft AX. So, here’s what’s great about it:

1. Integration

Finance & Operations seamlessly integrates with the Microsoft ecosystem, like the Office 365, Power Platform, Copilot, Azure, and Dataverse, plus access to the Microsoft partner network. If you’re already using Microsoft products, you’ll enjoy the familiarity of the user-interface (UI) – making it easier to use, even without extensive ERP experience.

2. Predictive AI capabilities

Finance & Operations leverages AI, machine learning, and intelligent automation to learn from your historical financial data and give you accurate AI-derived predictions on things like future cashflow, potential late payments, or even to create intelligent budget proposals without all the manual fiddling around.

3. Compliance & security

Microsoft's global compliance capabilities helps ensure you meet local and international financial regulations across multiple entities. And, deploying Finance & Operations in the cloud with Azure means you get top-tier 24/7 technical support, including built-in disaster recovery in case your operations are disrupted, accidentally deleted, or data corruption.

4. Scalability & flexibility

You can easily scale up or down by eliminating the concern for how infrastructure is being hosted or maintained, by moving it to the cloud. Finance & Operations seamlessly links up with other Dynamics 365 apps to suit a wide range of business and industry specific requirements, so you only pay for what you need.

5. Always up-to-date

Being in the cloud means your ERP can receive regular updates including new features and functionality, which means no more expensive upgrades every few years! You’re also in full control of how you receive those updates – through early access, on your own schedule, or automatically so you can set and forget.

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Are RFPs a waste of time?

So, now you know about 3 leading ERPs in Australia and New Zealand (NetSuite, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations). Did you notice how they all have a lot in common?

If you’re progressing your hunt for an ERP to streamline your business processes and supercharge your profitability, you might be considering issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP). But before you do, we’d like you to consider two things

1. Learn why we don't sell ERPs anymore 

TLDR: ERPs are just one part of a business’s total digital solution stack, so even if someone does need an ERP, it will only be one part of the business’s total success story. Fusion5 takes a holistic approach, addressing not only the problems an ERP will resolve, but also help our customers bring a much bigger vision to life. On that note, here’s a sneak peek at some of the other business solutions we’re experienced in:

  • People Management (HR & Payroll)
  • Corporate Performance Management (CPM)
  • Enterprise Service Management (ESM)

2. Understand the pitfalls of an RFP Process

  • Time-consuming: From drawing up your project scope documents, to reviewing all the responses, there’s no question that RFPs are a time (and resource) consuming undertaking.
  • Limited scope: Otherwise known as ‘squeaky wheel syndrome’, RFPs often focus on specific requirements, which often doesn’t reflect the ‘full picture’. Because ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’, an RFP process can often lead to just half a solution.
  • Rigid, with little room for innovation: RFPs tend to focus on ‘known’ and ‘established’ solutions and vendors, and often leave little room to pivot or negotiate once the process has begun. This can severely limit opportunities to get the right outcome for your business.

So, what's the alternative? Talk to us. Let's have a conversation about your business, goals, frustrations, and challenges. Together, we can find the right solution. If not us, consider reaching out to a partner before assuming an RFP is the answer. In our next email, we'll discuss choosing the right partner.

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Which ERP would you swipe right on?

In our last email,we discussed the pitfalls of RFPs when it comes to choosing an ERP, and suggested a better place to start would be an open conversation with a trusted Business Solutions partner. 

But with so many choices and cautionary tales, much like trying to make new friends or dating as an adult, finding a business solutions partner you trust can be daunting! So here are our top tips:

Know when to swipe left (for all the right reasons)

If you’re not familiar with the world of online dating, here’s a quick rundown: swipe left if you’re not interested, swipe right if you’d like to see where things might go. Taking our cue, and learnings from modern online dating culture, here’s a tongue-in-cheek look at how you can end up swiping RIGHT on the (business) partner of your dreams. 

Read the whole article

1. Size counts


Too small; flashy with no substance.


Big enough to cope with your project, plus others, even if a key person leaves; a partner that’s more than just fancy brochures and a whizzy website.

2. Communication is key 


Anyone who leaves your messages on ‘seen’ without replying for three days, or never asks you questions!


Those who deliver a smile-inducing communication cadence and give you a sense that your input is interesting and valuable.

3. Can perform under pressure

Any partner whose customers think they could have probably done as good a job going DIY.


Partners whose customers have stayed respectfully and professionally friends with them after the deed is done.

4. Compatibility: Goals and values


Master Service Agreements that ring alarm bells, partners with a sketchy word-of-mouth reputation.


Partners who maintain good relationships with their other customers (even after they break up).

5. Experience matters


A lack of solution-specific experience.


Proven performers with a track record of success with businesses like you.



Not everyone thinks change is as good as a holiday

No matter when you decide to start the journey to investing in a new ERP (or any other digital transformation project), managing change should be front of mind.

Humans find change hard – it can be scary and confronting – and in a work environment, poorly managed change can lead to drastic drops in morale and productivity. It can also undermine the success of your project, putting your investment at risk.

Organisational Change Management can be…well, managed in a range of ways. Hear from our OCM expert, Anna Ayoub, on what we’ve learnt over 20 years of managing transformation projects.

In addition to helping you manage your OCM, we also provide extensive Professional Services support for Project & Programme Management. And for once you’re up and running, we’ve got a dedicated Customer Success Team who’s entire job is making sure you stay up and running, and suffice to say, if you’re still considering a new ERP for your business, Fusion5 has an entire eco-system in place to give you the greatest chance of making your potential reality.

Find out more about OCM including our 5 top tips for a successful change initiative in our blog.

Ready to learn more about which ERP is right for your business?

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